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Recipe Pages

Recipe Pages

Page types:

  • modonomicon:crafting_recipe
  • modonomicon:smelting_recipe
  • modonomicon:blasting_recipe
  • modonomicon:smoking_recipe
  • modonomicon:campfire_cooking_recipe
  • modonomicon:stonecutting_recipe
  • modonomicon:smithing_recipe

Displays one or two recipes, optionally titles for each recipe and an optional text.


Each page type only supports recipes of the matching recipe type. If you want to display recipes of mixed types, use multiple recipe pages.


title1 (DescriptionId or Component JSON, optional)

The title for the first recipe. Will not parse markdown, instead it uses the default title color as defined in the book.json.
See Book.json for details.


If ommited, the recipe output's name will be used.

recipe_id_1 (ResourceLocation, mandatory)

The ResourceLocation of the first recipe to display. Make sure to match the recipe type to the page type.

title2 (DescriptionId or Component JSON, optional)

The title for the second recipe. Will not parse markdown, instead it uses the default title color as defined in the book.json.
See Book.json for details.


If ommited, the recipe output's name will be used.

recipe_id_2 (ResourceLocation, optional)

The ResourceLocation of the second recipe to display. Make sure to match the recipe type to the page type.

text (DescriptionId or Component JSON, optional)

The page text. Can be styled using markdown.

Usage Examples


"pages": [
"type": "modonomicon:crafting_recipe",
"anchor": "",
"recipe_id_1": "minecraft:crafting_table",
"recipe_id_2": "minecraft:oak_planks",
"text": "book.modonomicon.demo.features.recipe.crafting.text",
"title1": "",
"title2": ""
"type": "modonomicon:smelting_recipe",
"anchor": "",
"recipe_id_1": "minecraft:charcoal",
"recipe_id_2": "minecraft:cooked_beef",
"text": "",
"title1": "",
"title2": ""
"type": "modonomicon:smoking_recipe",
"anchor": "",
"recipe_id_1": "minecraft:cooked_beef_from_smoking",
"text": "book.modonomicon.demo.features.recipe.smoking.text",
"title1": "",
"title2": ""
"type": "modonomicon:blasting_recipe",
"anchor": "",
"recipe_id_2": "minecraft:iron_ingot_from_blasting_iron_ore",
"text": "",
"title1": "",
"title2": ""
"type": "modonomicon:campfire_cooking_recipe",
"anchor": "",
"recipe_id_1": "minecraft:cooked_beef_from_campfire_cooking",
"text": "",
"title1": "",
"title2": ""
"type": "modonomicon:stonecutting_recipe",
"anchor": "",
"recipe_id_1": "minecraft:andesite_slab_from_andesite_stonecutting",
"text": "",
"title1": "",
"title2": ""
"type": "modonomicon:smithing_recipe",
"anchor": "",
"recipe_id_1": "minecraft:netherite_axe_smithing",
"text": "",
"title1": "",
"title2": ""


"book.modonomicon.demo.features.recipe.crafting.text": "A sample recipe page.",
"book.modonomicon.demo.features.recipe.smoking.text": "A smoking recipe page with one recipe and some text.",