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book.json defines the general settings for a book. It is placed in the /data/<mod_id>/modonomicon/books/<book_id>/ folder.


name (DescriptionId, mandatory)

The book name. Will not parse markdown.

description (DescriptionId or Component JSON, optional)

The book description. Can be styled using markdown. Will be displayed on the first page when opening the book if it is in index mode.

display_mode (String, optional)

Default value: node. The display mode of the book. Can be node or index. Index mode ("patchouli-style") will display all categories in a list. A book in index mode will also display all categories in index mode.
Node mode ("thaumonomicon-style") will display a "tree/quest/progress" view of the book. A book in node mode can have categories in index mode.

tooltip (DescriptionId, optional)

The book tooltip, shown when the item is hovered. Will not parse markdown.

generate_book_item (Boolean, optional)

Default value: true. If true, a book item will be automatically generated for this book. If false, no book item will be generated and you need to create a Java item class that will open this book.


if true, model needs to be set.
if false, custom_book_item needs to be set.

model (ResourceLocation, mandatory if generate_book_item is true)

Default value: modonomicon:modonomicon_purple. The ResourceLocation for the item model to use for the book item, if an item should be automatically generated.

Builtin always loaded models:

  • modonomicon:modonomicon_purple
  • modonomicon:modonomicon_blue
  • modonomicon:modonomicon_green
  • modonomicon:modonomicon_red

Beware: This cannot just be a texture, it must be a loaded model in /assets/<mod_id>/models/item/<model_file>.json. This means either it must be a model for an existing (potentially dummy-) item, which causes Forge to load the model, or it must be forced to load with e.g. ForgeModelBakery#addSpecialModel

custom_book_item (ResourceLocation, mandatory if generate_book_item is false)

The ResourceLocation for the custom book item. This is your custom item instance that will open the book.

creative_tab (String, optional)

Default value: misc. The creative tab to place the automatically generated book item in. If generate_book_item is false, this setting is ignored.

default_title_color (Integer, optional)

Default value: 0 (= black). The default title color for all entries in this book that are not markdown-styled. The color is specified as a decimal RGB value.


JSON does not support hex values, so you need to convert them to decimal. For example, #FF0000 is 16711680 in decimal.

auto_add_read_conditions (Boolean, optional)

Default value: false. If true, the book will automatically generate an "Entry Read Condition" for each entry in the book. This means that the entry will only be visible if the parent entry has been read. This is useful if you want to make sure that the player reads the book in order.
See also Unlock Conditions for details on Conditions and manually adding Conditions.


Categories are not affected by this. Category conditions can only be added manually.

book_overview_texture (ResourceLocation, optional)

Default value: modonomicon:textures/gui/book_overview.png.
The file for the category, search and read all button textures.
The texture must be a 256x256 png file.

font (ResourceLocation, optional)

Default value: modonomicon:default.
The font to use in the book. Must be a valid and loaded minecraft font.


The default font is which is more readable than minecraft:default

frame_texture (ResourceLocation, optional)

Default value: modonomicon:textures/gui/book_frame.png.
The file for the main book frame texture. This book frame is rendered in such a way that the central part of each side is stretched to fit the screen.

*_frame_overlay (JSON Object, optional)

Variants: left_frame_overlay, right_frame_overlay, top_frame_overlay, bottom_frame_overlay
Default values are set up to render the default modonomicon:textures/gui/book_frame_*_overlay.png over the repeating center a of the frame texture.

The frame overlay textures are used to render a non-repeating texture over the repeating center part of the frame texture. This is useful if you want to add details or ornaments to your frame.

The texture must be a 256x256, unless a different texture_width and texture_height are specified in the object.

Sample value:

"bottom_frame_overlay": {
"frame_height": 8,
"frame_width": 72,
"frame_x_offset": 0,
"frame_y_offset": -4,
"texture": "modonomicon:textures/gui/book_frame_bottom_overlay.png",
"texture_height": 256,
"texture_width": 256

To disable rendering of a frame overlay entirely, set the frame_height and frame_width to 0. In that case you should still supply a a valid texture property (note that omitting it is valid, but an empty string is not) in order to avoid issues during loading, but it will not be rendered.

book_content_texture (ResourceLocation, optional)

Default value: modonomicon:textures/gui/book_content.png. The texture to use for rendering the pages in an entry, that is the book background, navigation buttons, title separator and image frames. The texture must be a 512x256px png file.

page_display_mode (String, optional)

Default value: double_page. The display mode of the pages in the book. Can be single_page or double_page. As the name implies single page displays one page at a time, while double page displays two side-by-side. This only applies to how entries are rendered. Categories or books in index mode always use double page display.

single_page_texture (ResourceLocation, optional)

Default value: modonomicon:textures/gui/single_page_entry.png.
The book background to use for rendering pages if the page display mode is single page (instead of the background in book_content_texture). The texture must be a 256xc256px png file.

crafting_texture (ResourceLocation, optional)

Default value: modonomicon:textures/gui/crafting_textures.png. The texture to use for crafting page elements such as crafting grids, slot borders and crafting arrows. The texture must be a 128x256 png file.

category_button_icon_scale (Float, optional)

Default value: 1.0
The render scale for icons on the category buttons. This is useful when using non-default category button textures to make the icons fit better.

category_button_x_offset (Integer, optional)

Default value: 0
Allows to move category buttons horizontally to make them fit with your custom frame texture.

category_button_y_offset (Integer, optional)

Default value: 0
Allows to move the vertical render start position of category buttons up or down to make them fit with your custom frame texture.

search_button_x_offset (Integer, optional)

Default value: 0
Allows to move the search button horizontally to make it fit with your custom frame texture.

search_button_y_offset (Integer, optional)

Default value: 0
Allows to move the search button vertically to make it fit with your custom frame texture.

read_all_button_y_offset (Integer, optional)

Default value: 0
Allows to move the read all button vertically to make it fit with your custom frame texture.


A horizontal offset is currently not supported as it does not need to fit evenly to the side of the frame texture like the other buttons, and instead is centered over the frame. Feel free to request additional features if you have a use case for this!

turn_page_sound (ResourceLocation, optional)

Default value: minecraft:turn_page. The sound to play when turning a page. The sound must be a loaded sound event specified in /assets/<mod_id>/sounds.json.

book_text_offset_x (Integer, optional)

Default value: 0.
When rendering book text holders, add this offset to the x position (basically, create a left margin/padding).
Will be automatically subtracted from the width to avoid overflow.

book_text_offset_y (Integer, optional)

Default value: 0.
When rendering book text holders, add this offset to the y position (basically, create a top margin/padding).

book_text_offset_width (Integer, optional)

Default value: 0.
When rendering book text holders, add this offset to the width (allows to create a right margin/padding).
To make the line end move to the left (as it would for a margin setting in eg css), use a negative value.

book_text_offset_height (Integer, optional)

Default value: 0.
When rendering book text holders, add this offset to the height (allows to create a bottom margin/padding).
To make the bottom end of the text move up (as it would for a margin setting in eg css), use a negative value.

leaflet_entry (ResourceLocation, optional)

If this entry is set the book will ignore all other content and just display this entry.
Note that the entry still needs to be in a valid category, even if the category is not displayed. The book will be treated as a book in index mode (that means, no big "node view" background will be shown behind the entry).

See also Leaflets for more information.

Default value: false.

If set to true, the book will not throw an error when trying to open a book with invalid book links. Instead, the link will be rendered in red with a tooltip explaining that the link is invalid.

The main use for this is for mods that have external translators for their books, where translations might be outdated after entries have been removed or moved.

Usage Examples


"auto_add_read_conditions": false,
"book_content_texture": "modonomicon:textures/gui/book_content.png",
"book_overview_texture": "modonomicon:textures/gui/book_overview.png",
"book_text_offset_width": -5,
"book_text_offset_x": 5,
"book_text_offset_y": 0,
"bottom_frame_overlay": {
"frame_height": 8,
"frame_width": 72,
"frame_x_offset": 0,
"frame_y_offset": -4,
"texture": "modonomicon:textures/gui/book_frame_bottom_overlay.png",
"texture_height": 256,
"texture_width": 256
"category_button_icon_scale": 1.0,
"category_button_x_offset": 0,
"category_button_y_offset": 0,
"crafting_texture": "modonomicon:textures/gui/crafting_textures.png",
"creative_tab": "modonomicon",
"default_title_color": 0,
"frame_texture": "modonomicon:textures/gui/book_frame.png",
"generate_book_item": true,
"left_frame_overlay": {
"frame_height": 70,
"frame_width": 7,
"frame_x_offset": 3,
"frame_y_offset": 0,
"texture": "modonomicon:textures/gui/book_frame_left_overlay.png",
"texture_height": 256,
"texture_width": 256
"model": "modonomicon:modonomicon_purple",
"name": "",
"read_all_button_y_offset": 0,
"right_frame_overlay": {
"frame_height": 70,
"frame_width": 8,
"frame_x_offset": -4,
"frame_y_offset": 0,
"texture": "modonomicon:textures/gui/book_frame_right_overlay.png",
"texture_height": 256,
"texture_width": 256
"search_button_x_offset": 0,
"search_button_y_offset": 0,
"tooltip": "book.modonomicon.demo.tooltip",
"top_frame_overlay": {
"frame_height": 7,
"frame_width": 72,
"frame_x_offset": 0,
"frame_y_offset": 4,
"texture": "modonomicon:textures/gui/book_frame_top_overlay.png",
"texture_height": 256,
"texture_width": 256