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Calcination Recipes


  • type - ResourceLocation, the recipe type. Must be theurgy:calcination.
  • calcination_time - Integer, The number of ticks the calcination process takes.
  • ingredient - Forge Ingredient, The item to calcinate.
    • the item
      • tag Tag ResourceLocation, the tag accepted as input.
      • or item Item ResourceLocation, the item accepted as input.
  • result ItemStack representing the result of the calcination process.
    • count Integer, the output count.
    • item Item ResourceLocation, the output item.

Example Recipe

"type": "theurgy:calcination",
"calcination_time": 200,
"ingredient": {
"tag": "forge:crops"
"result": {
"count": 1,
"item": "theurgy:alchemical_salt_crops"