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Accumulation Recipes


  • type - ResourceLocation, the recipe type. Must be theurgy:accumulation.
  • evaporant - Theurgy FluidIngredient, the fluid that will be evaporated to create the result fluid stack.
    • fluid Fluid ResourceLocation, the fluid accepted as input.
    • the fluid
    • tag Tag ResourceLocation, the tag accepted as input.
    • or fluid Fluid ResourceLocation, the fluid accepted as input.
    • amount Integer, the amount of fluid required / to consume.
  • solute - Forge Ingredient, an optional solid ingredient to be added to the evaporant.
    • tag Tag ResourceLocation, the tag accepted as input.
    • or item Item ResourceLocation, the item accepted as input.
  • result - FluidStack, the fluid stack resulting from the accumulation process.
    • fluid Fluid ResourceLocation, the output fluid.
    • amount Integer, the output amount.
  • accumulation_time - Integer, the number of ticks the accumulation process takes. Default is 200 ticks.

Example Recipe

"type": "theurgy:accumulation",
"accumulation_time": 200,
"evaporant": {
"amount": 1000,
"tag": "minecraft:water"
"result": {
"Amount": 1000,
"FluidName": "theurgy:sal_ammoniac"
"solute": {
"tag": "forge:gems/sal_ammoniac"