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Custom Conditions

Mods can add custom conditions that can be used to lock entries or categories. To this end you need to:

  1. Create ResourceLocation for the new condition (e.g. "mymod:my_condition")
  2. Create a custom condition class
  3. Register the custom condition
  4. For datagen: create a condition model class
  5. Finally use the condition in your book

The ResourceLocation is what you will use in your entries and categories to gate them behind your custom condition.

Condition Class

Conditions need to extend BookCondition in the package
In addition to implementing the interface methods that your IDE will suggest you need two static methods fromJson and fromNetwork which you will need when registering the condition.

in getType() return your ResourceLocation.

See for an example condition.

Condition Registration

To register the condition call LoaderRegistry.registerConditionLoader(...).
For the BookAdvancementCondition this call looks as follows: registerConditionLoader(Condition.ADVANCEMENT, BookAdvancementCondition::fromJson, BookAdvancementCondition::fromNetwork);

This needs to be called from both the client and server side mod initialization.
In Fabric: Call in onInitialize in your ModInitializer.
In (Neo)Forge: Call in onCommonSetup (your FMLCommonSetupEvent handler).

Condition Datagen Model

The model class helps you to generate the condition json files via DataGen.

See for a reference model class.

(On 1.20.1 it looks a bit more complicated: )


You need not register the model.


On your entry or category, add:

"condition": {
"type": "mymod:my_condition"

See also Unlock Conditions for more information on how to use conditions.