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Unlock Conditions

Conditions can be used to keep pages, entries or whole categories hidden until the condition is met. This is useful to give players a sense of progression.

Conditions are JSON Objects that can be set as value for the "condition" field on page, entry or category JSONs as follows:

"condition": {
"type": "<type>",
... //condition specific fields

Note that only one condition can be supplied per entry or category. If you want to combine multiple conditions, you can use the modonomicon:and or modonomicon:or condition types.

Common Attributes

The following attributes are available for all condition types:

type (String, mandatory)

The type of condition, it determines which loader is used to load the json data. Needs to be fully qualified domain:name, e.g. modonomicon:read_entry.

tooltip (DescriptionId or Component JSON, optional)

Default Value: A tooltip that explains what needs to be done to unlock the entry based on the condition type.
The tooltip to display when hovering over the entry locked by this condition. Will only display while the entry is still locked.