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Block State Matcher

Type: modonomicon:blockstate

BlockState matchers will check for all existing properties for a Block BlockState.

Block State Matchers match against the full blockstate (= all blockstate properties the block has). If you do not provide a value for any of the properties, it will check against the default value.


In most use cases you will want to check only against the properties you actually provide, and ignore all other properties. For this behaviour, see BlockStateProperty Matcher.


block (BlockState, mandatory)

BlockState to match against when checking if a given block fits this matcher.


If you omit the BlockState properties ([key=value]), Modonomicon will match against it's default BlockState.

display (BlockState, optional)

Defaults to the value of the block property.
The block to display in the multiblock preview.


If you omit the BlockState properties ([key=value]), Modonomicon will display the Block's default BlockState.

Usage Examples

Example: Matching only west-facing chests, but displaying an east-facing chest

"type": "modonomicon:blockstate",
"display": "minecraft:chest[facing=east]",
"block": "minecraft:chest[facing=west]"