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State Matchers

Each state matcher represents one block at one specific position in the multiblock, and depending on the type of matcher it may only allow one specific block, or a wide range of blocks in that position.

State matchers are defined in the mappings part of the multiblock definition.

Common Attributes

All state matchers need to have the following attributes:

type (State Matcher Type, mandatory)

A ResourceLocation identifying the type of state matcher to use.
Example: modonomicon:block

Attribute Types

Besides standard JSON types, state matchers support the following attributes:

Block (String)

A ResourceLocation for a block, in the format modid:block.
Example: minecraft:stone

BlockState (String)

A BlockState string as used in the Minecraft setblock command.
Example: minecraft:chest[facing=east].

The block state properties can be omitted, in which case the default BlockState will be used.
Example: minecraft:chest.

See for more information

Tag (String)

A Tag string that is based on the BlockState string as used in the setblock command, but prefixed with #.
Example: #forge:chests[facing=east]

The block state properties can be omitted, in which case the block state properties will be ignored when matching.
Example: #forge:chests.